Friday, 15 February 2013

A Final Christmas Post

Last weekend, I travelled down to Somerset to see the in-laws for our VERY delayed Christmas get together.  This trip is the reason I've been missing this week, I've been recovering from spending time with some much loved children who I can't resist playing with.  My body tells me I should rest and my heart is telling me to cuddle and play while I have them near me.  It's been worth a week of silence and rest to have those memories of a wonderful few days.

I can reveal that all the presents; monsters, quilt and scarf were well received.  In fact the monsters were in all the family photos taken at the weekend and the younger of the boys who received one has now decided that he wants ALL the monsters from Rebecca Danger's Big Book of Knitted Monsters to be given, gradually, each birthday and Christmas from now on.  I made the mistake of showing him the other monsters on Ravelry and as soon as he knew he could have a Collection, he was hooked.  Ah, boys and their collections!  The quilt is probably going to be a wall hanging in the baby's bedroom, which I like the idea of.

I realised, when I linked back to the posts about the presents, that I hadn't shown you the finished Wingspan scarf.

Wingspan 05

It's a lovely pattern/yarn combo.  I think these graduating yarns are perfect for something that has an unusual construction, because it reveals how the project is made.

Wingspan 04

I decided to block out the points of the wedges quite firmly.  I love how it emphasises the "wing" part of the title of the pattern.

Wingspan 03

I apologise for the quality of these photos as they were taken on a fairly dark day and increasing the exposure led to some blurring that I wasn't aware of at the time.  I hope you can see what I'm talking about though, because I can't take any more now!

I am tempted to make this pattern again using a bouncier yarn with more variegated dying.  I have seen other projects done like that, and think it would make a completely different scarf.  I did enjoy making this, it was a fun and easy project that used up a pretty yarn in a way that showed it off to it's best advantage.  You need projects like this to cleanse the palate between tricky and challenging projects.

I do believe this is the very last of my Christmas projects to share, so you can give a sigh of relief.  New things will be appearing in this blog!  If you want to see some finished items, from talented crafters, click on the button.

FO Friday Button


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