Wednesday 2 May 2012

Post Blog Week Round Up

Phew - that was a marathon blogging week wasn't it?  I'm still shattered from all the blogging and the blog reading.  But good news - all the effort was worth it.  I have reached the final of the photography contest for Big Teal Bird and the Bird Feeder!

Bird Feeder 01

I recommend you go and visit the voting page and have a look at all the great photos that made it.  If you do feel like voting for my photo, after looking at everyone else's work, I won't mind at all ;-) 

With all the great blog reading, I haven't had much time for knitting, but I have started work on the shawl that has been designed randomly by all the comments left during blog week on this post.  I've got this far:

Blog Week Shawl 02

I actually did a couple more rows last night, but I can't face digging out my camera and going downstairs!

What I plan on doing with this shawl project is taking regular photo updates using my camera phone and posting to Instagram and Twitter.  On Instagram I am @stitchedtogether and in Twitter I am @ST1TCHEDTOG.  Since getting my new phone earlier this year I have started taking more "snaps".  I love Instagram since they got up an running with android and I am enjoying joining in with the photo revolution!  My phone camera is about as good as my old digital camera, so I'm more than happy with the quality, especially for online pictures, though obviously the new camera is MUCH better at everything, except doing very quick snaps and uploads.

I'm hoping that I will be recovered enough by next week to have something more interesting to show you, but the effort was so worth it and I've added lots of new blogs to my feed reader.  I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.  I'm really glad I decided to join in, even if it was decided at the last minute.

To see if anyone else has recovered enough from blog week to post today, click on the button!

WIP Wednesday Button


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