Wednesday 10 August 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy, Just not With Crafting

I realised recently that the last few entries I've made have been a little rushed, and before that, I mentioned that I was feeling rubbish.  I just want to state for the record, physically I am doing better than I have since the surgery and mentally I'm starting to pull myself together.  It's just that I have been really busy lately and I only have so much energy left after dealing with pain, which means that the crafting and/or blogging has to be sacrificed to get through the week.  The crazy social whirl I have been experiencing is due to continue through until next week, so hopefully after it calms down a bit, normal service will resume.

As my crafting has suffered somewhat I have only two WIPs to share with you today.  The first is my Mitered Crosses for Japan Blanket.  As this is not a project where it is very exciting to show progress I will only inflict one picture on you. 

Exciting, hmm?  That is a stack of 15 blocks.  I am currently sewing the ends in on another block and then I only have another 9 to go!  Not bad progress since my last update.  I shall be quite sorry when this project is done as it is a no brainer that grows quite quickly.  It is perfect social knitting as it requires so little concentration and each block is small enough to take out and about.

My shawl of my own design has hit a bit of brick wall.  I have come to a section that requires more design work and maths, which means I've not progressed at all recently.  This shawl has been put to one side until I have a couple of days of uninterrupted pain free thought.  This may not happen for a while.  Until I get that design work done, I have got another lace project to keep me busy.

© The Knitter Magazine, 2011
This shawl is designed by Marleen van der Vorst, otherwise known as Dutch Knitting Design.  You may recognise the name from the dim distant mists of time, from when I test knit a poncho for her.  I really like Marleen's designs, usually before I realise they are hers.  When I saw this beautifully draping shawl, I knew I wanted to knit it.  The pattern is called Mariposa and it was in Issue 33 of The Knitter.

The shawl is knit in sock weight yarn and is in garter stitch throughout with the lace knit on both sides of the pattern.  This is the first time I think I have done true knitted lace, which has increases, decreases and yarn overs done on every row.  It's more of a challenge than I anticipated, and is probably made more challenging by the garter stitch background, which makes it harder to see the pattern shown on the charts, in the knitted work.

For this project, I decided to use the Black Bunny Fibers yarn I won from Go Knit In Your Hat back in June.  It even seems to be the perfect colour match!

Like I said, it is hard to see the lace pattern at the moment.  This next photo is a little clearer, but not much.

I know I haven't got far, but like I said, I've been busy with stuff other than crafting, which is probably why my blanket blocks have increased so much and the complex stuff hasn't!

At least I've managed to post some WIPs on a Wednesday, so I can join in the fun on Tami's blog with the link up party.  Click on the button to see other projects that might inspire you.  I don't know when I'll be back with another post, but don't worry, I'm not any more sick than usual, I'm just busy!


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