Sunday 14 February 2010

Patchwork Progress

I have been keeping rather quiet on the stitching front of late. I assure you that doesn't mean I am not doing any. The problem is I am doing so much I haven't had time to take photographs and blog about it. We are currently a week ahead on the class schedule because we are proceeding with our homework so quickly!

So far I have three completed blocks for my sampler quilt and I have done the preparation work on one more. The first two blocks I completed were English Patchwork, one in hexagons and one in diamonds.

One of the things that helps the patchwork stand out is the new background I have chosen. When I selected my original background I was a little confused and thought I was actually choosing backing fabric. As backing fabric it is great but as background fabric it did not work, as you can see on this planning shot.

The colour of the background fabric is too close in colour to one of the fabrics in the patchwork. So before I started attaching patchwork to the background fabric I spent a good hour looking through the fabrics at Mary Clare and chose the new one that really makes the patchwork "pop".

Sorry about the lighting but this time of year it is really hard to get good clear photos of fabrics. The original background fabric won't go to waste and probably will get used for the backing of the quilt or possibly sashing, or even both. I love the fabric and as my OH has actually specified that he "really likes" that fabric I will use it, as normally I can barely get a grunt of acknowledgment when I show him my projects.

The third completed square is the Heart Applique square. The hearts were cut out of fabric and out of sew in interfacing and then wrong sides facing inwards sewn together. Once the 1/4" hem was completed, the seam allowance was trimmed and cut and a cut was made in the centre of the interface. The heart was then turned right side out and the edges were finger pressed.

The placement of these pieces was harder than I was expecting. Even with lines marked on the fabric and pinning the shapes in place, I had to unpick several hearts multiple times as they had migrated off centre. But I think all the hard work was worth it and it has become my favorite block so far.

Hopefully next week I'll have you some more interesting work to show you. I am feeling really positive about the direction this quilt is going in. I think the fabrics are working well and it will hang together nicely when the quilt is all put together.


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