Friday, 12 February 2010

Download Links

If you are a regular to my blog, you may have noticed some additions to the page, mainly the photos on the right hand side of the page.

These photos and "buy now" buttons show you quickly the patterns I have designed that are available to buy, or download for free. The prices are shown above each pattern so you know what you are paying before you click the button.

These links do not give much information, just the picture and the cost, but they are only placed there for your convenience. If you want to know more about a pattern you can either click on the link at the top of the page marked "CraftyCripple's Downloads", check out the patterns on Ravelry or if you don't have access to that resource my website has much more information.

I hope you like the changes, but let me know if you have any suggestions about other information you would like to see.


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