I decided to make myself a purse in which to store my sewing notions. I considered using my Felted Coin or Notions Purse Pattern, but felt that as this was for my sewing notions I really should sew my purse. I went rooting around in my overflowing craft cupboard and dragged out my beloved Heather Bailey fabric. I have adored this fabric since I first saw it, and bought a fat quarter of it to start with, then when I got it in the post I knew I had to have more!
The fabric is Bijoux Tiled Primrose Turquoise.

Both fabrics were bought from Five Valley Designs. They have quite a few harder to get in the UK fabrics, and the service was pretty good. I'm sure you can find the fabric elsewhere but I just found these two together at this store.
With these fabrics I used the pattern I bought from U-Handbag in kit form, which I talked about here. I loved the purse I made with the kit and bought a duplicate purse frame so that I could use it again, this time to keep for myself! So using this great pattern once more I made this little beauty.
I love it, it is the perfect size for all my notions and it makes me smile when I open it!
Oh, by the way I used a handbag purse insertion tool with this project. I struggled a great deal with inserting the fabric and the cord into the frame the first time round. It was far too physical for me and took far too long. I decided that this tool would be a real help, and it was. If you are going to make more than one or too purses with frames, I would definitely consider this tool, it was invaluable.
It doesn't look much but it really did make the difference of around 40 minutes to my project completion, though you must bear in mind that I am not able bodied. I got this handy tool from Cotton & Cloud, which is well worth a look at if you are considering making bags or purses. There are lots of lovely Japanese fabrics on this site as well.
At some point I plan to make a larger project bag using these two fabrics together again. I even have the fabric all washed and ready in my craft cupboard. I just have to get through my long list of other planned projects first, so don't hold your breath!

At some point I plan to make a larger project bag using these two fabrics together again. I even have the fabric all washed and ready in my craft cupboard. I just have to get through my long list of other planned projects first, so don't hold your breath!