Saturday, 16 January 2010

Professional Finishing Techniques Workshop

If you live in or around Leicester, you may be interested in a workshop I'm planning on attending.  It is being hosted by Mary Clare, but being taught by Emma King who is a design consultant with Rowan.

Emma King is the author of 25 Bags to Knit: Beautiful Bags in Stylish Colours and Fun and Funky Knitting: 30 Great Designs for an Exciting New Look, among others.

The workshop aims to provide you with all the necessary skills needed to give your hand knitted projects a professional finish.  Techniques being covered will include picking up stitches for necks and button bands, short row shaping, grafting and mattress stitch. These are all techniques that I could do with improving on.

The workshop is being held on February 28th - 10.30 am until 4 pm and will cost £35 (including £10 deposit).  The workshop is aimed at intermediate and experienced knitters.

If you are interested in attending this workshop, please contact Clare on 0116 255 1866 or email her at  knitandneedlecraftATgmaiDOTcom.

I am pretty excited about this workshop as I think it will really help with improving the overall finished look of my garments.  This can only be a good thing, and sitting in a room with other like minded individuals is an even better thing!


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