Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Secret Projects

I hate this. I am knitting away like fury and I can't share any of it with you. Bah! Be reassured though that in the week after Christmas I will be showing you all of the gifts that I made.

I picked up a bargain today. I got 20% off The Harmony Guide's "The Ultimate Sourcebook of Knitting and Crochet Stitches". It was one of the few books in the Border's craft section that I thought would be very useful. There were a couple of other books that caught my eye, but I knew this one would be referred to time and time again. It is unusual to find knitting and crochet stitches in one reference book, which is why I bought this one. One of the reasons I learnt to knit was because I wanted to have nice smooth sections on which to hang my crochet. I have yet to do this, but this book reminded me of my original intention to combine the two crafts.

It makes me sad that Borders is going to close. I spent around an hour wandering the aisles looking for books I really wanted. I also wanted to say good bye to the place. We hold our knitting group in the Starbucks upstairs and I often bought my craft magazines in the great periodicals section. We haven't decided where we will move our knitting group too, but I am sure we will miss our bi-monthly browsing sessions.

I would recommend if you were expecting to pick up some bargains at Borders you go sooner rather than later. The stocks are going down fast, even though there is only 20% off most of the books there are some at 50% discount.

In the meantime here is a cute video to cheer you up.

And also can I recommend you go and check out U-Handbag's blog, as she is giving away some fab prizes for those crafters that sew. I can't believe I am publicising this giveaway because the more people that enter the less chance there is for me to win the fab sewing machine!

Hope the above goes some way to making up for my lack of content recently. I will finish my Christmas knitting one day - promise!


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