Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Business Card Box Pattern & Tutorial

In this post I showed you the little Business Card Box that I created for the Mary Clare exhibition.

Today I finished the pattern and tutorial to make the box, should you want to. This is a little bit of an experiment. I have never made any pattern that does not involve knitting, though this does involve a teeny piece of optional crochet. In addition to experimenting with patterns, I have experimented with the method of making the tutorial available.

I have recently found a great website called Cut Out & Keep. This is a craft website that allows you to show and tell the projects you have made, and to also post tutorials. The website is all encompassing and all crafts are shown and shared there.

I decided to post this first sewing tutorial on Cut Out and Keep and it can be seen here. If you are interested in the pattern you will need to download the whole tutorial and template. This PDF is available for download, for free, on my website here.

I hope you like this little tutorial, but more importantly, I hope you enjoy browsing around Cut Out & Keep. This really is an interesting site, full to the brim with inspiration.


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