Tuesday 5 March 2013

A Question.....

I have decided to pick your brains.  I have recently begun to listen to knitting podcasts.  It's taken me years to get into them, but over the last few weeks, I seem to be listening non-stop, rather than watching tv whilst I craft.

I found a few podcasts that I enjoy, but I would like to add more to my collection.  These are the ones I have found, and liked, so far:

A Playful Day
Electric Sheep
Knit Knit Cafe
Knimoregirls' Podcast
Never Not Knitting
The Yarniacs
Yarns from the Plain.

I have a few British 'casters in that list and I like them, especially, because they talk about yarns and events that are relevant to me.  I also like the International podcasts because I live within a greater knitting world and like to know what is going on in it!

I would be very grateful if you could recommend your favourite Podcasts, so I could give them a try, and maybe if you haven't tried any of the above podcasts, you might give them a go.  I'm also looking for podcasts that deal with sewing and quilting as I haven't got any of those so far, and I'm sure they must exist.


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