Wednesday 27 February 2013


You know how sometimes you see a pattern on a blog or on Ravelry, and you just know you HAVE to have it?  That happened to me a couple of months ago.  In early December a picture popped into my "Friend's Activity" feed on Ravelry and Ohdessa's amazing Decibella is not just eye-catching, but drool inducing.  Then the very next day Kay Gardiner loaded a photograph of her version of the exact project.  The pattern in question is Decibella by Gale Zucker.  I really wanted to knit this project, but it is knit in Super Bulky yarn, which is generally not cheap, and I didn't have the yarn in stash.  As it was the run up to Christma,s when I saw this pattern, I just made a mental note and put it aside for a future knit.

Then yesterday I had an epiphany.  I have two cowl/hood type things that I had experimented with about three years ago.  These garments use two skeins of Colinette Point 5, which happen to be Super Bulky weight in exactly the quantity I would need to knit a Decibella.  As neither hood really worked out, I never wear them, so frogging them seemed the humane thing to do, putting them out of their misery and turning them into something lovely instead.  I have frogged the first of my hoods.

Decibella 01

These two skeins will equal one of the colours.  I think I will randomly spit splice them together, as I knit, as there are already colours in the purple skein from the green skein, I don't think extra blending will be noticed overly much.  The other hood is yet to be frogged, but it is on my immediate to do list.

Decibella 02

In an ideal world, my contrast yarn would not be beige, but I picked it up very cheaply on eBay.  I was experimenting with a design in that yarn and felt it was a deal I couldn't pass up.  As it is such a neutral colour I think it will work out ok as a contrast to the bright colours of the green and purple.  I am more worried about  how fat/thin yarn will look, instead of the lovely plump and evenly spun yarn used in the pattern.  We shall just have to wait and see.

In other news, I have been playing with my lovely distracting yarn.  I have decided I want it to be a scarf and I have been playing with a checkerboard type lace pattern.

Draughty Scarf 01

I have re-knit this few centimetres about 5 times and I'm still not quite happy with it.  I may give the poor yarn a rest and do some more swatching on some left over yarns from another project, because even though it has stood up incredibly well to the frogging, I don't want to make it fuzzy by doing it too much more.  Hopefully by next week, my ideas will have firmed up a bit and I'll be able to show more.

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