Thursday, 17 January 2013

Winter Pics

I went outside and braved the cold yesterday.  I took a few snaps but these are my favourites.  I just thought I'd share them, as I haven't talked about, or done, much photography recently.  I need to get back into the habit of it, because I really enjoy it.

Frost on Plant

I tweaked this one on Photoshop and I can't remember what I did.  I know I applied a couple of different effects, but that's it.  I really must make a note of these things so I can recreate them!

Spider's Web on Summerhouse

As we are all set for a big fall of snow over the weekend, I hope to get more Winter Wonderland type photos.  Hope I can improve on Winter 2010-11's winner.

Watering Can in The Snow

I used the above photo in my photo calendar last year.  It was December's page.  I got my calendar from Photobox and was really impressed with the quality.  A couple of weeks ago, when I took down last year's calendar and put my new one up, I decided I would keep the beautifully printed photos and put them in a scrapbook someone gave me a while ago.  It is perfect for these images.

Photo Album

Getting the calendar is a reasonable way of getting good quality images of some of my favourite photos to enjoy during the year, and then to cut out and put into an album when it's no longer in use.  The picture, above, of my cat is too big to go into the album, as it was on the calendar cover.  It is one of my favourite photos and I think I will get it framed.  I  used a great framing place online for my Dad's Christmas present, and I think I might use it again.

Dad and Thelma's Christmas Gift

This was my Dad's present, it was a print from a great artist, I found on Folksy called Eastwitching.  She paints beautiful images of animals that really capture their spirit and individuality.  I got this budgie because my Dad and his wife own a budgie that looks like this one!  The frame is oak but there were loads of different styles and materials to choose from at Picture Frame Express, so I should get one that will match the style of the photo of my cat.

I think that choosing this year's calendar photos and chopping up last year's has reminded me how much I love photography, and that I need to get snapping again.


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