Friday, 4 January 2013


When you find yourself blogging about a project that you finished in October, you may begin to worry about being behind in the update department.  I, however, do not worry about such things.  If I were to worry about such things I would have worried myself into oblivion a long time ago.  I simply think - oh, how marvellous, I have something to blog about, despite not finishing anything this week.  The finished object in question, is Spectra, by Stephen West.

Spectra 03

I initially posted about this project in August!  I really enjoyed knitting this scarf, and my only regret about the project is that I didn't buy two skeins of Count Cashmerino Sock from Countess Ablaze.  The skein was only 350m long, instead of the pattern recommendation of 384m, which meant I ran out of yarn before the end of the scarf.  It was totally my own fault.  I simply didn't register the length of the skein when I pulled it out of the stash.  The yarn was divinely soft and the subtle shades of grey are beautifully elegant.  The contrast of the subtle grey of the Count Cashmerino and the vibrant Noro Silk Garden Sock works wonderfully well.

Spectra 05

The scarf is nice and broad and covers right across my shoulders and upper back.  It provides lots of extra warmth.  I love how the garter stitch edging stretches so there are no taut sections pulling against the skin.

Despite the scarf being slightly shorter than recommended, it is more than long enough for me.  The colours sing to me in the dark and dismal days of Winter, wrapping snugly around my neck and shoulders to provide warmth on cold, grey days.

Spectra 04

I love this scarf and it never fails to make me smile when I put it on.  I highly recommend this as a project to get over a fear and dislike for intarsia.  I think I will approach intarsia with a slightly lighter heart than before I knit this scarf.  Stephen West is a very clever designer who always gives you a pleasurable and interesting knit.

A quick reminder to go and vote on the KAL hat pattern from earlier in the week.  I will make a choice based on the vote on the blog, and on the Ravelry Group, on Monday.  If you want to join in, go and join the group and I'll make an announcement about how to obtain the discount when the pattern is decided.

To see other finished projects, click on the button.

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