I just want to say that all the lovely comments made, mean a lot to me. As I don't work, or have children, I don't have a regular community of people who I see regularly, by which I mean colleagues or other parents. It can be quite an isolating experience being ill. Having a community of crafters to chat to keeps me sane. It helps that you all love the same things I do! What I mean to say is, thank you for coming and visiting me here in my small corner of the Internet and talking to me when you do!
Speaking of being ill, my surgery is next week. I am hoping it will only be a day procedure and I'll be home the same day. It may not go that smoothly, but given my previous good experiences with this surgeon and hospital I have high hopes. I hope once the surgery is out of the way, I might be able to get back to more consistent blogging again, once I have recovered from the surgery that is. I hope to be able to do a short post by the end of the week to let you know how it went.
See you on the other side!