Monday, 17 September 2012

Four Years of Blogging

This week is the anniversary of my blogging debut.  On 20th September 2008 I sent my first blog post out onto the Internet. I never imagined what would come of my little crafting journal.  I never anticipated all the lovely people I would come to know from the online crafting community.

When I tell my friends about the things this community do for each other, and for strangers ,they are staggered at how people can offer so much of themselves to people they have never met face to face.  It is hard to explain to outsiders how special our community is - how helpful and welcoming.  I am proud to be part of this community, no matter how small my own contribution is.  I know that, as a whole, we do good things.

To celebrate my leap into the unknown, four years ago, I will be hosting a giveaway on Thursday, the actual date of my "blogiversary".  Please come and visit me, so I can share the lovely goodies I am prepared to part with!  There will be something for sewing people and for knitting/crochet people too, so I hope everyone can find a prize to entice them.

I will say no more about the prizes, but I will say thank you.  Thank you to all the lovely people who comment on my posts and email me, who post tutorials or host link up parties.  You are the people who make our community so special and have made me feel so welcome.  Thank you for my sanity, as you have created a place where I can connect with the outside world from my sick bed, and never feel alone!


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