Friday, 13 April 2012

A Friday Finish

I actually finished this project a while ago, but didn't get round to blogging about it.  This surprises me as I LOVE it.  I wear it all the time.  It has stripes and garter stitch and lovely colours.  Can you guess what it is yet?  Yes, that's right.  It's the Color Affection!

Color Affection 04

Hasn't it come out well?  I loved making this shawl so much, but I also adore wearing it.  It is such a flexible shawl.

Color Affection 05

It is a great shawl, but it also makes a great squishy scarf too.  I won't get much chance to wear it as a scarf for now, but when the cold weather starts again, I think I will wear it in that fashion, a great deal.

I love the asymmetry of the pattern.  It makes it so interesting.  The picture below was the best I could get of it laying flat.

Color Affection 06

It's pretty wide and shallow, which makes it a tricky one to photograph without a stepladder!  But as this project looks best wrapped around a body, that's not too much of a problem.

Color Affection 03

I love how the colours work together.  I am pretty sure that I will knit another one of these at some point, when I look at the stash again.  It does leave quite a bit of yarn over and I think next time I might extend the middle section a bit to try and make it deeper.  I would like the shawl to be about 2" deeper to rest on my elbows when wearing it wrapped around, like the photo above.  It just makes it warmer if it is that little bit longer.  But that is the only issue I have with this project.  Everything else about it has been a great success.  I can truthfully say, I LOVE this project and wear it all the time.  Garter stitch wins again!

Oh by the way, I have finally got Instagram, as they have brought out an Android version.  If you want to follow me I'm stitchedtogether. If you want me to follow you, then leave your username in the comments and I'll add you.  I'm enjoying my new toy very much.  It's great to be able to just snap and share things.

If you want to look at other finished projects, click one of the buttons.

FO Friday Button.jpg

Fibers on Friday Button.jpg

Creative Friday


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