Monday 26 September 2011

Back from Holiday

I just wanted to let you all know that I am back safe and sound from the most wonderful trip to Cyprus.  I have to say I fell in love with the place.  I don't normally want to revisit holiday locations because there are so many more to see, but Cyprus is definitely on my "must see more of" list.

I won't bore you with a massive list of what we got up to or millions of photos, but if you are interested in how pretty it all was, I have uploaded the photos to an album on Flickr.  I've embedded it below.  I hoped this way if you are interested you can have a look, if not, you can just ignore them!  I have given fairly full description on each of the photo, which summarises pretty much everything we did.

I will be back with more crafting soon, as my holiday has recharged my mental batteries, even if the physical ones are drained.  Hopefully I'll be back in balance soon!

If you want to see the photos individually or read the notes I made, you can do so by clicking here.  That will take you to the Flickr set I created.  I'm so glad I wrote this up while my memories were still vivid.  Hopefully it will remind me in years to come of this wonderful trip.


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