Saturday, 30 April 2011

Missing in Action

So sorry I seem to have disappeared off the face of the earth this last week.  I promise that I am doing really well, but I still haven't felt inclined to take photos or model nice knits.  My surgery really was a great success and the cuts are nearly all healed over now.  I'm still a little bruised (both inside and out) which is one reason I haven't been blogging.

The other reason I haven't been blogging is my lovely man has been home all week with me.  This is because in the UK, with the extra Bank Holiday because of the Royal Wedding, he could take 3 days leave and be at home for 10 days.  Why would anyone miss up this opportunity unless they weren't allowed to?  My OH (which means Other Half to those who haven't heard of this abbreviation before) had reserved this holiday before my surgery was booked, but it turned out nice to have him around this last week while I was recovering.  We have also had glorious weather this week in the UK so we have been lolling about outdoors. 

I have now been out the house twice since I got home.  Once, when we went out for lunch and then again yesterday we went to a friend's house.  These friends live just round the corner, and there were lots of lovely people we hadn't seen in a while, and I got to play with a couple of gorgeous babies.  A lovely afternoon out, which didn't end in me screaming in pain - WIN!

As today is my birthday (and my OH's too!) we are hoping to go out for dinner this evening to our favourite Indian restaurant, that is if they pick up the phone and let us make a booking!  Before my surgery I would never have considered going out two days in a row, it just wasn't possible, so you can see how much of a success the operation was.

I just hope that once the OH is back at work on Tuesday I will get my proper blogging mojo back and I'll start catching up on my photography.

So thank you all for your best wishes and inquiries after my health, I'm doing great.  However, it makes me feel even better, knowing that I have lots of good thoughts heading my way from all you lovely peeps around the globe!  What a fabulous lot you are.

Hopefully normal service will resume shortly, and my output may well increase in line with my lower pain levels!  Well either that, or I'll be constantly going out and won't have time to craft...... nah, I'll always have time to craft!


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