Friday, 22 April 2011

I am HOME!!!

This is just a quick post to say I'm home surprisingly early from hospital.  I was guessing I would be in for 4-5 days like the last time I had this procedure, but I could have gone home the same day as my op, if I hadn't started throwing up when my OH came to pick me up.

Ah well, after a good night's sleep my second day in hospital was actually quite a laugh.  I was on a ward with some really lovely ladies, who all admired my knitting, and I handed out my new business cards.  They were on special offer a couple of weeks ago and I couldn't resist.  They look really good, and I had meant to show you them (but I forgot).  As most of these ladies wanted to see my finished Recovery Sweater I thought they could look it up on the blog.  I also got a couple of the members of staff on the ward talking about knitting too.  I felt by the time I left, my crafting evangelizing was done!

I have no pictures to show you in today's post (I'm certainly not going to photograph my four little wounds on my tummy) as I'm not really up to taking pictures, but I felt I should let folks know that I am back and doing ok.

I am feeling really positive about how much this operation is going improve things for me (at least for a while).  I know my new tablets really helped with the pain management too.  Only one little morphine jab for me in recovery and then just back on to my ordinary meds.

I'm hoping I'll be able to cut back on some of my heavier duty pain killers (Tramadol I'm looking at you here) as the wounds heal, which would mean I would feel safe to drive again, YAY!  However, with adhesions there is a very high risk of them growing back after surgery, so I'm not going to get too ahead of myself, but I AM going to try and really enjoy this Summer while I can.

So hopefully I'll rest up this week and take it easy while I heal, then I intend to get cracking with my posting proper again.

Hope to see you soon with some pretty photos!


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