Sunday, 25 July 2010

Joined Up Blocks

As a little break from all the shawls I've been knitting, I have a fabric based post for you today. It's not a very big post, but I thought I'd show you my Spider's Web Quilt progress. I can confirm that I have successfully managed to join up all my blocks - woohoo!!

There is a certain degree of lumpiness in some of the joins, and an element of wonkiness too. But other than that I am so happy to have reached this stage. I do think I should have left this quilt until I had done a few others first, but we live and learn. The next quilt I make is going to a be a cot sized quilt and it will be very straight forward.

I am planning on adding three more sections to this top before quilting can commence. I want to add the cream border and the darker border I mentioned in my post of 11th July, but I have also decided to add a round of small squares, using up my fat quarters, to go in between the two other sections. I decided on this after looking at the size of the finished centre panel. It's not that big. I may change my mind, but at the moment that is the way I am leaning.

I can't wait to get this top finished so that I can start quilting. I definitely think that I am going to do this by hand, over the Winter months. Surely snuggling under a quilt during the cold weather can only be a good thing? Hopefully it will be ready for use in the Summer of 2011. I can already see myself laying back on the lawn with my lovely quilt keeping me protected from the spiky grass. It would be nice to get it done this Summer, but I don't think my machine and I are up to giving machine quilting a go. So it is slow and steady, via the manual route for me. I can't wait!


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