Monday, 16 November 2009

Craft Day

I had a lovely craft day yesterday. My friend Rachael has a few days holiday and suggested I pop round for a day round a crafting table. As I haven't had access to my sewing machine for some time I leaped at the opportunity, especially as Rachael has a large dining table on which to play with pretties on. Not to mention the world's soppiest labrador to cuddle.

Rachael is very very slightly behind me on the learning to sew curve. She is a hand stitcher and has only recently bought a sewing machine. She hasn't really done much beyond doing the test stitching. She wanted me there to metaphorically hold her hand whilst making a completed cross stitch into a cushion.

After a couple of hours of maths, machine repairs and a little bit of cutting and sewing, a cushion was completed. It was simply beautiful and never has a project unleashed such joy in it's creator. I think this is mainly because the cross stitch has been wasting away in a cupboard for nearly 15 years waiting for it's owner to learn to sew cushions. It was a long wait, but I am sure Rachael thinks it was worth it. It is gorgeous and I am really sorry I didn't get a photo of it.

My crafting involved making my very first fully sewn purse. I bought a kit from U-Handbags. It included everything I needed, except for fabric glue, which I tacked on my order. The instructions that came with the kit were fantastically clear with many photos. I had no trouble at all following every step. In fact the hardest part of the whole kit was stuffing cord into the purse frame at the end of the project to hold it all snug and tight together.

This kit taught me how to use; a purse frame, fabric glue, fleece to firm and interface to crisp up the fabric. It was the first time I had made a flat bottomed bag from two flat pieces of fabric and Lisa's pattern directions really helped with that.

I love the purse and it took around 1-2 hours to make. I now think I would have no problem at all in having a go at making up my own pattern using a bag frame. The Amy Butler fabric of this purse really made the bag for me, and that is why I bought the kit. I couldn't resist the colour and the shape.

I daren't look at the site again because I may succumb to another kit. I know I have some nice fabric in my cupboard, I don't need to look on U-Handbag for some more..... I will be strong, at least until after Christmas!

My only problem now is trying to decide whether to keep it, or give it away as a Christmas present. I think if I run out of time and gifts to fulfill my quota, it will be donated to a lucky recipient. That should give me lots of incentive to get some other gifts together in time, cos this purse will look fab with my shrug next summer.


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