Sunday, 20 September 2009

Knitting Update

I haven't been posting much information about knitting projects recently, and thought it was about time I got round to it. Part of the problem is that two of my knits are destined to be Christmas presents for people who probably look at the blog occasionally, so I can't talk about those.

The other part of the problem is that, as I have mentioned, we are having lots of work done on our house and I am trapped in the study all day. The lounge is completely unusable and I think this sense of claustrophobia is making me a little less verbose than normal. "Surely not", I hear you cry, but yes I do sometimes have nothing to say for myself. So whilst I haven't been talking to you, I have been knitting a wee bit. Here are my updates (that I can show you).

I have progressed really well on my socks, haven't I? Never mind, it is because I don't like having to count when I'm at knitting groups, and I've had a couple of those last week, so they were put to one side. But apart from the sudden break in knitting, I am liking the way these little babies are going to come out.

I have also been working on a variation of my Bag and Purse Combo. The construction of this bag wasn't very pattern friendly, so I wanted to work on a variation that used less complicated knitting. What I have come up with is this:

Aren't the colours fabulous? Here's a closeup.

The colours are better on the closeup. I am sure when this is felted the fabric will be an interesting texture because of the thick and thin nature of the yarn. All the colours should blend beautifully together too. I can't wait to get this felted, and may even get it going today.

The other project I can show you is one for myself. I bought some Paton's Jet a few months ago. Kemps were doing a great deal at the time and so I thought I would treat myself. I originally thought I would be using it for felting, but I decided that as it is such lovely yarn I would make myself a shawl from it. I decided on the Feather and Fan Comfort Shawl by Sarah Bradbury. This yarn seems to be made for this pattern and I'm glad I am choosing to leave it unfelted, because it is going to be such a cozy shawl for me as the nights start getting cooler.

So those are the three projects I can show you. I'm afraid that more and more of my projects are going to be secret, in the run up to Christmas. I shall try and make sure that at least one project on the go is bloggable, or this is going to be a very dull blog for a few months.

By the way Carmen, the winner of the giveaway, still hasn't been in touch. If you are reading this, please email me at so I can send you your pattern.


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