Tuesday, 7 April 2009

A Trip Down South

My other half and I had a little trip down south this weekend. I am only just recovered from all the travelling so can only now tell you about the crafting that took place. The trip was to South Somerset to visit the in laws. We had a lovely time being pampered and being force fed very very nice food. My in laws have recently moved to South Somerset, which is much further for us to travel and this causes me to be much more tired and sore when I arrive, however it does give me more knitting time! I find that knitting in the car helps me focus on something other than my twinges when we go down bumpy motorways, though it is sometimes harder to read the pattern.

I finally finished my Noro Stripy Scarf that has been hanging around at various knitting groups for months.

I'm very pleased with the way the scarf ended up looking and the length is perfect. I even have a ball of the yarn left over which may stretch (along with the rest of the scraps) into a hat. I will probably leave that until the winter though.

After finishing my scarf I cast on a brand new project, that I have not mentioned before. I have been looking for a garment to make for myself. I didn't want to spend a small fortune on wool, which is tricky when you are of ample measurement around the chest area. I also wanted to make something that I could use straight away and wouldn't have to sit around until the winter months to be worn. I found the perfect project in Rowan Magazine No. 44. I decided to make a Short Sleeved Bacall (Rav Link)by Sarah Hatton. This is a lovely short sleeved shrug made of Kid Classic and should take me through Spring right through to Autumn. I was very tempted to make it in a pretty teal colour but decided to be practical and settled on a silver grey instead.

This project grew very quickly over the weekend and I already have the back finished.

I am approximately a third of the way through the front left section and as I am enjoying the knit so much I think I will be finished by the end of the month.

While in Somerset I was encouraged by my MIL to try a new craft that I had never heard of before, Encaustic Art. This involves melting wax on an iron and then applying it to a shiny card. You can use different heated tools to "paint" with the wax. My MIL only had the iron but it was great fun to play with. I produced this....

It was such fun, and I intend to play with the set again next time I visit. I don't think my Other Half will play again after managing to singe himself though. It has given me all sorts of ideas, as you can apply the finished picture to fabric, which is washable. I may have to take some fabric next time.

After my return home I started work on my April Kitty Swap kitty. I think she is going to be a bit of a glamour puss this time.

I may finish off a little furry jacket for her to wear, I haven't decided yet. It will depend on who my swapee is, as to what her finished look is. I did make her a little handbag though, which is even properly lined, using the scrap of fabric left from lining my fair isle bag. I think it matches well.

Once again, I think I will find it hard to let go of this kitty. I may have to keep it for my SIL who requested a kitty for Christmas, that way I get to keep it for a little bit longer.... hmm I've got time to knit another one for the swap, don't I?


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