Friday, 20 February 2009

Scarf Design

I have been trying and failing to find a scarf to go with my Porom Hat. I love this hat. This hat is light, warm and pretty. I love the stitch pattern and the wool. All in all, it was worth the time, effort and money. I wanted to find a scarf that I would feel the same way about, that would match this hat.

I have spent HOURS searching through Ravelry looking for a good match to this hat, but have failed in a spectacular manner on every occasion. So after this failure I have decided the only way to get the pattern I want, it is to make it up myself. This, of course, fills me with terror as not only is it something I have never really tried to do successfully, but it is a LACE pattern. However after playing with the basic stitch pattern created by Jared Flood for the Porom Hat, I think I have achieved marginal success. I say marginal because I haven't finished the scarf yet.

I managed to pick up some Rowan Silk Wool DK in shade of Bramble.

As you can see, the colours are not that far apart and will complement each other nicely, I think. The reason I didn't use the same wool for the scarf, as I did for the hat, is the texture. The shetland wool used for the hat, is gorgeous but it is a wee bit scratchy. The Silk Wool, is so soft it will never scratch me.

I decided I wanted the scarf to be reversible as I tend to tie my scarves up rather than wearing them just hanging from my neck. I have therefore made a pattern which uses the lace stitch on alternate sides after around 10 rows, followed by 2 rows of knit. I think when it is blocked it will look ok. I may add a border around the scarf of either garter stitch or a ruffle, depending on the amount of yarn I have left.

What do you think? Should I rip it back and start over, or should I keep going?


  1. i think you should keep going!

    it looks like your first pattern is going gangbusters! i cant wait to see the finished piece!

  2. The scarf pattern looks neat. I think a ruffle would be fun and compliment the ridges in the body.

  3. The scarf's looking great and you're way braver than me tackling designing:o) The bramble is a beautiful colour too.

    Citron just made me go mushy:O) He's gorgeous! I'd adopt him in a heartbeat!

  4. Thanks for the kind words, I will definitely keep going on this tack now. I will definitely consider the ruffle provided I have enough yarn (I got in the sale bin so I don't have a lot).

  5. I'm a little late, but I definitely agree... keep going!


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