Friday, 23 January 2009

Success in the Face of Disaster

I have had a project waiting to be finished for what seems like aeons. It was intended to be a felted notions bag, and unfortunately the felting was a bit rubbish. The bag didn't shrink enough to be a notions bag, so it sat in a sad sorry heap, glaring balefully at me. I put the project to the back of my mind as a disaster project and moved along to other things.

Then, I decided to tinker with the blog. You may have noticed a couple of subtle changes to my layout. The main change is in the left hand sidebar. I have linked up my Ravelry projects to my blog, so you can see how I am progressing with my ongoing projects. It works in a very clever manner using complex computer code I do not understand. I muddled my way through the installation of this gadget by following step by step instructions made by people far more educated than I. I am very pleased with the gadget, BUT, it shows all my outstanding projects. There at the side of my blog is a stark reminder of all the projects I don't have finished. At the top of my list at 95% complete was my felted notions bag. I decided to sew it up and then I could clear down the project and it would no longer be chiding me from the sidebar every day. Here is the finished project.

I am happy to say, this bag is the perfect size for a shoulder bag. It snugly fits the bag swapper I bought for my Frankenstein Bag, which means I can use the bag as my "just popping to the shops" bag. I used a couple of the buttons I got from my Let's Knit Subscription booty haul, and they fit the buttonholes perfectly. The strap stretches to just the right length for a shoulder bag and because it is crocheted, it should be strong enough to take all my crap. So I feel I can say, I have, indeed, achieved success in the face of disaster.

So now I have finished a couple of projects, I feel I am justified in starting a new one. Admittedly my new project is an emergency knit. I have a friend who's birthday is next week and he has always admired my knitting and he was dropping large hints last week about how he didn't have anything knitted. I feel that I must at least try to knit him something for his birthday. I bought the yarn yesterday at my Knitting Group and I have cast on. I will post more details after he receives his gift.

Also at my Knitting Group, I was excited to see that most of the yarn for my KAL Blanket had come in.

I love these colours and I am even more excited about this project now. I have also bought a soft yellow yarn for the centres of the flowers in the design.

This is Sirdar Calico, which is cotton and acrylic, but doesn't feel too different to the Elle Elite. It is only to be used in small amounts, so I thought I would save myself a little money and get the cheaper yarn.

I have also finally finished designing the lay out for the blanket. Clare my LYS owner demanded to see what I was ordering all the yarn for. I took the design in with me yesterday and I had general approval from all attending. I hope to gain more enthusiasm when they see the actual squares rather than just some unidentifiable scribbles. I will try and neaten up my design so I can post it on here for you to see, but don't hold me to it!

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