Saturday, 20 September 2008


Today I am trying out two new things.

New thing number 1: Using circular needles

New thing number 2: Using plarn.

The circular needles are lovely to use. I am probably going to use them all the time if I have my own way. I don't know if its just because they are wooden and gorgeous to handle or because they are shorter and my hand fits around the end rather than along the needle. It seems to be easier on my hands, but I shall have to see what it feels like in the long term.

Plarn is something I being thinking about quite alot recently. Then I found this link Instructions for making plastic yarn and decided to give it a chance, especially as I have tried to move away from using plastic bags, but my boyfriend seems unable to remember to take a cloth bag with him when he goes shopping. This means I have a growing mountain of plastic bags to use.

I have started to cut out my plarn and have begun knitting. I have no pattern, and I am totally winging it. We shall have to see how it goes.

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