Tuesday, 11 March 2014

STSAL2014 - Update 1

I'm delighted to say that the Stitched Together Spin-a-long 2014 (#STSAL2014) is well underway.  The chat thread on the Stitched Together Ravelry Group is busy with lots of discussions about fibre and spinning choices.  I'm so pleased there seems to be a good number of novice spinners joining in, which is just what I hoped for.

STSAL2014 Small Button

My own spinning has got started.  After the success of my previous spinning attempt, when I took the time to make samples, I did the same thing again.

Malachite Punis 02

I tried a bit of spinning in the worsted style to create a semi-worsted single, but was happier with the woolen style.  The samples on the card are all woolen.  The photo below shows a close up of the samples.

Malachite Punis 03

The singles I spun were very fine in comparison to my previous attempts at spinning.  I think this was due to the beautifully fine fibre preparation.  The fibres drafted so simply it was a piece of cake to get a fine single. As the single was so fine I have decided that I prefer the 3-ply yarn.  I haven't quite decided if I'm going to chain ply it or do a true 3-ply.  There is no advantage of doing either method because the colour is fairly uniform without massive changes through the length of the singles.

Malachite Punis 05

In the above photo you can see that though there are parts of the punis that are darker (probably the yak) these areas are blended really well.  As the single is so fine, these areas won't be too overwhelming in any one place of the yarn, especially as 3-ply.

I am really enjoying spinning these punis.  Doing long-draw spinning is great fun and I know it's faster than spinning in a worsted style.  I'm amazed at how fine I am getting the singles.

Malachite Punis 04

I think the yarn that I can create out of them is going to be really beautiful.  I can also see a great many more punis in my future as they are such fun to spin.  I finally understand what all those US podcasters have been talking about so enthusiastically.

I've added a link up to this blog post and it would be great if you could join in.  If you can't see the button to add your link, you may need to turn javascript on your browser.


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