Wednesday, 11 May 2011

It's Wednesday!

I have no new WIPs to show you.  But I am making slow but sure progress on my existing things.  Firstly there are my socks, which I adore more each day.

These socks are so soft and warm they are going to be perfect for the cold weather when it arrives back.  This is the first time I haven't wanted to cast off at just past the ankles.  I definitely want to see if I can make my first pair of knee highs.

Don't they look really long until you put them on?  This is the great thing about doing toe-up socks, you can keep trying them on, so you don't get lulled into assuming they are the right length.  It also means, as in my case, you can increase when necessary to allow for the calves.

I am completely winging it as far as increases are concerned, I've never done increases in rib, so I'm quite pleased that it is looking ok so far.  All the ribs, away from the increases, are staying straight, which is exactly what I wanted to achieve.  I have no idea how long these are socks are going to take me, but I'm really in no hurry as I am enjoying the process of knitting with this sunny yarn.

I have also been working on my spiral too.  This looks like it hasn't grown very much but I knitted on this on at least 3 occassions this week, as it was my "take along with me" project instead of my socks.  As my socks are being increased at the moment, I decided the simple spiral would be better for knitting groups.

Again, this is a satisfying pattern that I am enjoying taking my time over.  It's unusual for me to be so captivated with the process that I don't mind how long it takes.  I have always known I was a combination process and product knitter as I love using my knits, but I also love knitting them, but these two projects, despite being simple, are really pleasurable.  I think it is the yarn I am using in each case that is captivating me.  Simple, mass produced, non-exotic yarns that were cheap and cheerful - and I really like them.  It's nice to know I haven't become a complete yarn snob (I'll talk to you about that later in the week - I have yarn to share!).

And finally I have the Wrapigan, that I have barely touched this week because of being seduced by the above projects.  Before I dropped this project I managed to sew my first knitted hem!

I decided to finish the bottom edge of the Wrapigan with the hem and I'm pretty pleased with how it looks.  It does seem to want to pull outwards, but I'm hoping that a good block will fix that.

I'm quite proud of myself for doing my first hem, and I sewed it closed rather than doing a three needle bind off.  I think it looks a bit neater.  It did take ages to sew though, probably because this is a Wrapigan rather than a cardigan!  I'm sure I'll pick this up again next week and add my sleeves.  I think one reason I have put this to one side, is that I'm still not sure what kind of sleeves to go for.  I think they need to be longish, as this will be a "fling on when it's a bit chilly" type of garment and I will be more than likely wearing it with short sleeves underneath, and a sleeveless Wrapigan won't do me any good if I have chilly arms..

This is all the knitting I've managed this week, because I have been rather busy with my internet things, sorting out new names for websites etc.  If you only come and visit on a Wednesday or a Friday, you might not have noticed that CraftyCripple is now Stitched Together.  If you are interested in my reasons for the name change, I've blogged about it here.  I think I've sorted out all my commenting/twitter and Ravelry names now.  I have kept the same profile photo so I hope there is less chance of people being confused and I hope that most people will soon get a hang of the new name.   I'm still the same blogger, and I don't plan on changing anything about my content I just have a different name.

The new Twitter name is ST1TCHEDTOG and the new Ravelry name is Stitched-Together.  I have updated the links on the right hand side of the website so you can link to the new account names.  I am pretty sure that if you follow me on either Twitter or Ravelry, you don't need to follow me again, just be aware that the new name you are seeing is still me!

I'm hoping next week will be a bit more knitting friendly and less internet heavy - but we shall see!

In the meantime, for more knitting content, click on the button, to see what other projects are going on around the world!


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