Thursday 24 March 2011

WPC 2011 - Week 12 - Past

I've not been very good about keeping up with the WPC 2011 Challenge on this blog.  I've posted photos every week on Flickr, and some are better than others, but on the whole I think my photography is improving.  If nothing else, I have to make fewer adjustments in Picasa, to my photos!

Week 12 ended yesterday and I actually managed to get a photo in on the deadline, for once.  It was an idea I had the whole week, but only shot the photos on the day they were due - typical of me!

The subject last week was PAST.  This is a very open ended subject but I knew instantly what I wanted to do.  I have a couple of old photo albums that belong to my family.  They have photos dating back to the 1880s which I love.  I enjoy looking at the photos and seeking out glimpses of myself in my ancestors' faces.

The book is bound in leather and has a clasp made out of brass (I think).

The album is falling to bits, but I love it.

Just opening it makes me feel connected to the past.

There are lots of loose photographs that threaten to fall out, but I am scared to put them in the slots as I might break the pages.

I have no idea what the pages are made of, I think it is just very thick cardboard made to look like wood veneer.

Most of the photos are in sepia, with the odd black and white from later family member's, such as my grandparents.  I really wanted to capture this essence of how this photo album makes me feel so I decided to do a self portrait. 

Doing a self portrait was not as simple as I first thought as I only have a 10 second timer on my point and click camera.  The only tripod I have is a GorillaPod which is great, but not very tall!  I decided to incorporate two coffee tables, stacked on top of each other - I wish I had thought to take a photo of my makeshift tripod, it worked brilliantly.

I took about 30 photos of myself with the photo album and it wasn't until I got them on the computer that I discovered I had a great shot.  I was a bit worried that I would have to go and take another batch, after I'd recovered - timer shots are NOT fun when you are disabled.  Oh how I long for a camera with a remote!

I love how this photo came out, especially in the sepia tones, to match the photographs.  Since starting this challenge I've learnt so much about exposure and creating shadows and light.  Sepia and black and white photos really emphasise this shading and I really love playing with them.

This may not be the most flattering photo of myself I've ever taken, but it's probably the best photograph I've taken with myself in it - if you see what I mean?  I am pretty proud of this result, each week I feel like I am getting better.

I love doing this weekly challenge, especially as next week is a bit more simple - PURPLE.  If you are interested in seeing more of the photographs produced in the challenge, click on the tab marked Weekly Photograph Challenge 2011 and you will see lots of information about it.


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