Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Woolly WIPS

I actually had a sewing WIP to show you this week, but the photos I took were rubbish.  As a result, I shall leave that until I can take photos with slightly more light.  I guess that means you won't see that project until April, but there is no point posting photos of a dark blurry shadow.

As I can't share my fabric based WIP, I will share my woolly ones.  I have just a couple of things on my needles at the moment, as I am trying to cut down on the amount of debris I spread around my sofa.

Firstly, I have started my next pair of socks, after finishing my Discovery Socks at the weekend.

The sock yarn is a bit lighter than this photo.  As I said, the lighting is shocking today.  These are being done in the same way as my Discovery Socks, except I am trying to do them two at a time - fancy pants huh?  It wasn't easy I can tell you.  I thought after my first attempt went wrong, I would cast on the two toes using seperate needles, and then put them together for the boring bits.  I'm not sure that was a good idea.  My mind couldn't seem to grasp how to knit the socks onto the needles in the right order.  I'm not sure it was possible, certainly not with my drug addled brain.  Maybe next time I'll just stick at casting them on at the same time and fiddling with the long needles.

Despite my initial problems I now have the toes set up and on two needles, to be knitted up two at a time.  I haven't decided yet whether to do a stitch pattern or not, but as this is such a boring colourway, I think I probably will at least do a stitch pattern on the leg, to distract from the brown of it all. (I have no idea why I bought this colourway, I can only reason I was temporarily insane)

My second woolly WIP, is my Central Park Hoodie.  You thought I'd abandoned it didn't you?  Well I haven't.  I hadn't been paying it much attention over the last couple of weeks, but I have done a few sessions on the sofa with needles and the telly.  I now have a back and two fronts.  If ever you want to see evidence of the difference a blocking makes, see the picture below.

Guess which one has been blocked?  I am also about a third of the way up my first sleeve.  When I am not knitting this garment I forget about it.  Then when I pick it up again, I wonder how I could possibly abandon it, because it is such fun to knit.  I think even if I don't like the finished result, I won't care, because I have enjoyed knitting this pattern so much.

One of the nice things about having a couple of straight forward projects on the go, is pondering what comes next.  I know it will involve yarn from the stash, and I'm leaning towards something "pretty".  I shall have to give it some thought.

I may have to go and check out the other blogs taking part in WIP Wednesday, so I can gain some inspiration on what to knit next.  Click on the button to find out what is going on in WIP world!


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