Wednesday, 29 December 2010

WIPs a Plenty

I apologise for the long hiatus over Christmas, I have no excuse.  We didn't go anywhere, because of the awful travelling conditions, but I did have a really nasty cough.  Can I explain that someone with abdominal pain really suffers with a cough, because of all the tensing of the tummy muscles.  I have not had a good time of it, and haven't been able to sew as I have been too sore.  However, not being able to play on my new sewing machine, has meant that I have been knitting.

I started on another scarf using Debbie Bliss Pure Silk DK and a ball of Rowan Kidsilk Spray.  I don't think you can get Spray anymore, it is like Kidsilk Haze but has variegation in it.  I've had the skein I am using for quite some time, I think I was given it several years ago.  This is the perfect knit for it.

For this version of the scarf, I have decided to try knitting it in the round.  Knitting this scarf in the round give a double thickness and hides the travelling yarn as it moves across the back of the work.  The scarf may end up being shorter, but as the original scarf stretched a great deal, I don't think that will be a problem.

I love the subtlety of this version of the scarf and I think I will enjoy wearing it just as much as the first version.  I've also got enough fluffy rabbit pom poms to add to this version too, it wouldn't work without them!

As we were planning on being away for Christmas I decided I needed another project to work on, in case I finished the scarf.  I decided that the time was right to use my Emerald Malabrigo Lace.

I bought this at the same time I bought the yarn for my blogiversary giveaway.  I decided I would actually knit something from my Ravelry Queue.  (Am I the only person who just adds stuff to the queue and never actually gets anything off it?)  The item in question was the free Knitty pattern Annis.  There are two reasons this pattern went on to my queue, the first was it was a different shape shawl, and I'm trying to work my through most shapes to find the perfect one for me, and the second was it had nupps in it!  Nupps seem to be considered a very tricky thing indeed, which had frightened me away for some time.  This is the first time I've attempted it and I agree they can be a little annoying if you aren't concentrating.

I cast on for the shawl on Christmas Eve to get it set up for knitting away from home.  Then we didn't go away for Christmas and I accidentally finished it.  OOps.

I will block it when I get a chance. I fear that it isn't big enough because I didn't swatch, but the main point is that I did succeed with knitting nupps and won't be scared of them again.

Because I finished knitting my Annis, I decided that I needed another simple project to work on.  After my apparent shawl mania of 2010, I decided to return to a love of mine, socks.  I am running low on decent hand knitted socks and I still haven't found the perfect method of knitting them.  For this project I am trying two at a time socks, knitted from the toe up, with a gusset and flap heel.  I am hoping this "vanilla" sock pattern will form the basis of future sock knitting.

The yarn is a Regia Design Line Kaffe Fassett sock yarn.  I really like these colours and I'm sure a plain sock will only make the yarn shine through.

I seem to have found some projects to keep me busy while I decide what comes next.  I think it may be a garment from my queue - you never know I might actually clear some stuff off it this year!

I am hooking up to Tami's Amis for WIP Wednesday.  They are always worth a look if you are interested in crafty stuff, which I'm assuming you are if you are reading this blog!  Just click on the button to be taken to the post.


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