Sunday, 10 October 2010

Baby Jacket No. 2

I bet you were thinking that I had stopped all my baby knitting hadn't you?  Well I haven't.  I got another baby jacket finished yesterday when I finally got round to buying buttons.  This jacket has taken sooooo long to make.  It was done in sock wool, you see, and sock wool is very skinny.

It was worth it though.  The pattern is available to download for free, and the Ravelry link, to the project page is here.  The pattern is called Garter Stitch Baby Kimono and was designed by Joji Locatelli.

There is a tie on the inside to hold the inner flap closed.  I made this by casting on, knitting a row and then casting off cos it's quicker than an i-cord.

As you can see, there are two different yarns used in this garment.  The stripey yarn is Zitron's Trekking Yarn and it turns out it was a 3ply weight.  The solid colour yarn is Paton's Diploma Gold 4ply.  Even if you don't know much about knitting you can see the difference in the names - 3 ply and 4 ply.  So yes the solid colour yarn is thicker and this caused a slight puckering where the two yarns meet.  It would have been better for the appearance of the jacket if I used the Zitron for the edging.  But this yarn is slightly scratchier and I wanted the edges to be as smooth as possible where they might rub on the baby's skin.

I don't think most people would notice this issue unless it was pointed out to them, but I will make sure, next time, that I have the right amount of yarn to actually finish the project.  It was because I ran out of the main yarn that I had to have contrast yarn on the edging and the sleeves.  It was annoying to have to find a contrast yarn that worked, but I quite like how it looks.  Many thanks go to Litlemouse for finding the yarn for me.  

Now I have finished 3 baby knits.  I don't think that is bad going.  I don't know what will get made next.  I shall have to consult my fave's on Ravelry and make a decision.


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