Wednesday 29 September 2010

WIP Wednesday

I recently joined a group on Ravelry called The Blog Hub. It has already introduced me to some great new blogs and brought a few people to visit me for the first time.  it seems a good group to belong to, where you can get help, advice and feedback about your blogging.  I'm not, what I would consider to be, a serious blogger.  I don't set myself posting goals and I certainly don't mind if I leave my blog empty for a week at a time.  I don't have any advertising on my blog, except for links to my own patterns.  However, despite being a blogging amateur I have found myself more and more feeling like blogging is part of my work.

When I use the word work, I don't mean what I do for a living, because, believe me when I tell you that, crafting costs me far more than I receive in pattern fees.  But work doesn't have to earn you income.  Work is something that is productive when you apply effort.  Some people who don't, or can't work, volunteer for things, or their work is raising their children.  For me, crafting is my work.  It is something that I am quite disciplined about, and I always feel strange without something crafty in my hands.  As time has gone by, blogging has felt more and more like a part of my crafting process.  The action of writing about my craft and photographing it is all one with the creative journey.  In other words, I don't feel like my projects are finished until I have taken photographs and written about it.

As my blogging has become more important to me, I have started to look at other people's blogs and wondering if I could use some of their ideas for my blog.  I have always used the internet to receive inspiration for my craft, but I didn't really use it for blogging ideas.  Joining The Blog Hub group is part of my move towards taking my writing more seriously.  If blogging has become part of my work, I should apply myself to it, in the same way I apply myself to learning new crafting skills.

One of the ideas on The Blog Hub Group is posting and linking up to other members of the group.  WIP Wednesday is definitely an area where I feel I can join in.  It is also a area that I don't really blog about very much.  I like to keep things to myself until I have something finished because some projects take a VERY long time to complete - yes I am talking about you KAL Blanket!  By only talking about a finished project I don't expose myself as the avoider of completions that I sometimes am.  So I'm going to take a risk and start joining in with WIP Wednesday.  Maybe starting to join in with this collective enterprise will give me the kick up the backside, I sometimes need, to finish things.

So after that rather lengthy introduction, here is my Work in Progress for this Wednesday:

This is the start of a Princess Squares Blanket, from Designer Knitting, Early Fall 2010, by Pam Allen.  I am once again using Rico Design Baby Classic DK yarn that I have used in my last couple of baby projects.  This yarn has such lovely clear colours and squishy softness for the baby and the ability to chuck it in the washing machine for the parents.

Here are the rest of the colours I plan on using.  This project was started this morning, but I'm already really enjoying the small pop of colour in each square.  It's going to be great tv knitting!  By the way, I knew that felted bag was going to come in handy!

So there you are, my work in progress this Wednesday.  I will join in with the links and hope that if you have never heard of the Blog Hub Group you might have a look at the links hosted at Tami's Amis.  There really are some great participants in this group and you might find someone new to follow.


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