I imagine I'll probably wear it like the photo below mainly. I used to wear scarves like this all the time. By the way I'm grinning like an idiot in both of these photos because I have received complaints that I always look too serious in my craft photos. Its because by the time I've taken the 15th time delayed shot my cheeks hurt!
The stitch definition shown in this yarn is wonderful.
I am so pleased with this scarf and enjoyed knitting with the yarn so much, I bought some more.
I did mention my love of purple didn't I?? I am currently knitting with the Eskimimi yarn. I'm knitting the Vixen shawl and it is going well. I don't know what I will knit with the new purple sem-precious, maybe a Travelling Woman shawl. That will be really enhanced by this lovely yarn. I shall have to see if I can face doing another shawl after this current one. Ah who am I kidding, I'm hooked on the shawl knitting now!