Wednesday 7 April 2010

I am cold and being rubbish about it.

You may have noticed a dearth of posting this last week. That is because I am cold and I am being rubbish about it. Basically as soon as the lovely warm Spring weather we had being enjoying disappeared, our boiler packed up. So now it is raining and grey and chilly, we have no heat. We have an electric shower, and a gas fire in the living room and a VERY old electric heater that is keeping our bedroom toasty but that is IT. The gas fire was never designed to be the sole source of heat for the lounge and while it does take the chill off, I'm still having to rely on blankets.

While most people might gripe a bit and then carry on as normal, I am being rubbish. My excuse is that I am at home nearly all the time and when I am cold, my pain is worse. So I am spending lots of time in my bedroom with my old electric heater on full blast, covered in a blanket and reading - LOTS. I am not crafting, because my hands feel stiffer somehow in the cooler air. I am sure that is psychological and I am being rubbish but I just don't feel very crafty. It doesn't help that the tunic I am knitting at the moment is in Rowan Summer Tweed, a lovely silk and cotton mix yarn that is in a lovely light purple colour that feels all summery. I'm not feeling very summery at the moment.... hence no knitting in bed.

However I am still reading all my favorite blogs because I can do that on my bed tucked up and warm on my iPod. So I am saving all my favorite ideas to my evernote program. Evernote is a great tool for keeping notes on things from the internet. I can email links to evernote as I am reading my favorite blogs. Then when I feel the urge to blitz my links I can add them to my Tumblr page. Tumblr really helps me find the tutorials I vaguely remember from months ago. It also is a good place to go when I have nothing pushing at my brain to get made. It is full of all the things that I have found inspiring and informative on my journey round the net. So while I am not blogging crafty things, please check out my Tumblr page and see if any of the things that inspire me, get you itching to craft as well.

We are scheduled to get our new boiler next Thursday so hopefully in a week or so normal blogging service will resume. It may be earlier if the sun comes out enough to heat the house for an hour or so, so keep your eyes peeled for a glimmer of sun through the clouds.


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