Do you like the the little brooch I found to use as as the clasp? Here is a close up.
I've had this little sparkly item in my jewellery box for as long as I can remember. I have a feeling that it came from my grandmother, and I think it is just perfect for the style of this bolero.
So now this project is all finished and photographed, what do I do next? I know that I have plenty to be getting on with, but my fingers feel like they should be starting something new, now that a large item is finished. The question is, what item gets started?
This week I got several things that could be used to start new projects:-
- New wool, found cheap on eBay.
- New pattern, to use cheap wool with.
- Baby Surprise Jacket pattern
- Adult Surprise Jacket pattern.
- Wire Jewellery Book, bought for p&p from here.
- Bamboo bag handles, from my Simply Knitting magazine subscription.
As you can see, I bought it. I then bought the pattern for the waistcoat, from Clare, after coming clean about my eBay purchase. She decided at the price I was paying for it, she should be sourcing her yarns from there!
So now, the requirements for this lovely project are hanging around, waiting to be used. But I think it might be a bit warm for summer, so I am inclined to leave knitting it until the end of the summer, to be in time for the autumn season.
Now for items 3. and 4. I decided to buy both the BSJ and the ASJ at the same time, because I didn't know when I would see the patterns for sale again. I love the concept of taking one piece of knitting and turning it into a garment. All the finished jackets I have seen have been lovely, and I am particularly interesting in knitting the BSJ in the near future. I also have several friends who are interested in doing this as a knit along, which would be much more social.
Item 5, arrived in the post this morning. I had forgotten that I ordered it, but a brief glance tells me that it was a good decision to do so. There are lots of nice projects contained in its chapters.
I may take this book with my to Mary Clare next time I go, to see if any of the beads there inspire me to try one of the patterns.
Finally, item 6, does inspire me to knit another bag. I do love my bags and these handles are a nice size to fit over the wrist. They are definitely filling me with inspiration.
Oh there are so many things I could be doing, I may just end up carrying on with the projects I already have on the go, as they are the ones I should be doing. Maybe I'll postpone making a casting on decision until I have just one more wip off my needles and into the finished pile. I'll let you know what I finally decide.