Monday, 26 January 2009

Noel the Sweater Cat

I have finally finished my ginger sweater cat, which was a test knit for Elizabeth Jarvis, otherwise known at BettyKnitter on Ravelry. He was such fun to knit. I had abandoned him for a little while because other commitments got in the way, ie college and birthday knits. I hated leaving him half finished, but I could resist him no more. I knit up the little raglan sweater last night which I really enjoyed as I have never tried raglan before. It felt like a little mini tutorial and it took all the scary out of the technique. I am much more likely to have a go at the a full scale sweater now.

I am pleased that I didn't have more than one ball of the Debbie Bliss Alpaca Silk as it meant that I had to use some Rowan Pure Wool in cream to accent the kitty. He has a cream belly and chin and the tips of his toes and tail are also cream. I think it makes him look a bit more authentic. The sweater was knit in Sirdar Snuggly which I had laying around from my fair isle projects. All in all the wool used is gorgeous, soft and huggable. I had just enough ginger yarn left to finish the sewing up and I finished doing his face this afternoon, before sewing him into his sweater.

All in all I would definitely recommend any of Liz's patterns, as has an eye for the fun and the unusual. This one, in particular, is a very firm favourite and I know I will knit more of these little kitties for the Kitty swap group I belong too. I am going to be ahead of the trend, because as soon as this pattern is posted, there will be a flurry of these little kitties winging their way across the globe. For Ravelry users, the pattern is free and available here.


  1. What a beautiful cat - PLEASE bring him to knitting group on Monday so we can admire him 'in person'!!

  2. You didn't need to ask, I am carrying him around with me showing him to everyone. I just want to hug him all the time.

  3. oh! this is adorable!!!

    i loooooove this kitty!

    great job!


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